Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook Changing Again?

It seems as though Facebook is changing every time you turn around. Whether you like those changes or hate having a new way of getting around the site, be prepared for a major change according to Facebook. These new changes could make Facebook almost unrecognizable. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of you are cringing, since I've seen so many negative update posts, every time there is a change. 

Here are a few of the new changes you can expect to see in the near future on Facebook:

1. You’re going to get a Timeline — a scrapbook of your life. (Oh goody, onward with the timeline that everybody hates.)
2. You don’t have to just Like something — now you can [verb] any [noun]. (Oh Please! That's silly!)
3. Facebook apps need only ask permission once to share stories on your behalf. (Give permission once and here they come to  invade your privacy.)
4. All “lightweight” information is going to the Ticker. (A Ticker? Like as in a stock ticker?)
5. You can watch TV and movies, listen to music, and read news with your friends — all within Facebook. (Ok, you had me until you said "with my friends". Who wants to read news with their friends? But I have to admit, this has peaked my curiosity somewhat. :/)
6. Facebook has more users and more engagement than ever. (I'm sure Facebook hopes users embrace all this change and don't go running and screaming all the way to Google+!)

You may also like to check out:
Facebook Changes Again: Everything You Need To Know
Changes to like or not to like? 
Eerie goal. Why timeline changes everything 
Why get upset about Facebook changes?